【单选题】下列几组河流的发源地都在青藏地区的是 [ ]
【单选题】The______to the house caused by the storm took several days to repair.
【简答题】阅读理解。 If you were to come up with a list of organizations whose failures had done the most damage to the American economy in recent years, you would probably have to start with the Wall Street firms t...
【单选题】下列动物中,主要生长在青藏地区的是 [ ]
【简答题】青藏地区因地势高耸而成为一个独特的地区。青藏地区平均海拔在4000米以上,有“世界屋脊”之称,许多山峰终年积雪,冰川广布,雪山连绵。据此回答下题。 小题1:青藏地区最突出的自然环境特征是 A.湿热 B.光热充足 C.高寒 D.冬冷夏热 小题2:青藏地区的种植业主要分布在 A.藏北高原 B.昆仑山区 C.柴达木盆地 D.湟水谷地和雅鲁藏布江谷地