我们有如下代码:import numpy as np; x = np.array([[77, 93, 23],[54, 58, 12],[69, 25, 23],[65, 55, 56]]);rows = np.array([[0,0],[3,3]]); cols = np.array([[0,2],[0,2]]); y = x[rows,cols];print (y) 运行后y的内容是什么?仅输入数值,用逗号隔开!。
【单选题】三、完形填空 ( 20 分) How important is music? Many people usually think that listening to music is nice but not very 21 . It is often only thought to be entertainment, but not the first 22 for education. Thi...
【单选题】How important is music? Many people usually think that listening to music is nice but not very 21 . It is often only thought to be entertainment, but not the first 22 for education. This opinion is wr...
【单选题】三、完形填空(20分) How important is music? Many people usually think that listening to music is nice but not very 21 . It is often only thought to be entertainment, but not the first 22 for educat...
【单选题】How important is music? Many people usually think that listening to music is nice but not very 21 . It is often only thought to be entertainment, but not the first 22 for education. This opinion is wr...