【单选题】以下案例可以主要从什么角度来分析文化冲突/差异? Mark had recently moved from Denmark to Sydney to work as a salesperson for a large Australian company. After three weeks, he was invited to join a local club. During the firs...
【简答题】He seemed to stand a little ____________(比较级). He was heavier. He had a look of confidence. 他身子似乎挺直了些,人也见胖了,样子挺自信。
【单选题】D7132代表电火花成形机床工作台的宽度是( )。
【简答题】Fill in the blanks with words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary. Each word can be used ONCE only. nothing but; muscle; if anything; contemplate; anguish; endow; invisible; make f...
【简答题】He seemed to stand a little _____s_______(比较级). He was heavier. He had a look of confidence. 他身子似乎挺直了些,人也见胖了,样子挺自信。
【简答题】在下面一段文字横线处补写恰当的语句 , 使整段文字语意完整连贯 , 内容贴切 , 逻辑严密。每处不超过 15 个字。 类比是中国人的基本思维模式之一。以树木作类比 , 一个事物之中 , 主要且重要的部分称为本 , 不重要的、附属的称为末。但是1 __________, 则须由作此类比的人来作价值判断才可确定。一旦本末确定 , 也就形成了本末的两重关系。从重要性来说 , 2 __________; ...