【单选题】某办公楼现浇钢筋混凝土三跨连续梁如下图所示,其结构安全等级为二级,混凝土强度等级为C30,纵向钢筋采用HRB335级钢筋( ),箍筋采用HPB300级钢筋(Φ)。梁上作用的恒荷载标准值(含自重)g k =25kN/m,活荷载标准值q k =20kN/m。 提示:计算梁内力时应考虑活荷载的不利布置,连续梁内力系数见下表。连续梁内力系数表(弯矩M=表中系数×ql2,剪力V=表中系数×ql) 说明:已按...
【简答题】Read the text and answer these questions briefly, by using not more than 10 words. (Direction 1: Skim the text and try to locate key words or topic sentences that indicate the main idea. ) 1.What’s Pa...
【单选题】当座面与靠背夹角在 ( ) 以上时,椎间盘内压力显著减小。
【判断题】所有金银首饰的消费税都应在零售环节缴纳。( )
【单选题】当座面与靠背夹角在( ) 以上时,椎间盘内压力显著减小。
【简答题】Q.10 What’s the return type of the main Method?
【单选题】What’s the main idea of this passage?
The city can be a lonely place.
Life in the West can be very dangerous.
People in the West are fond of animals.
The dog is a useful and friendly animal.