在探究氨水成分的实验中,下列根据实验现象得出的结论不正确的是 A .氨水有刺激性气味,说明氨水中含有氨分子。 B .向氨水中滴加酚酞试剂,溶液变红,说明氨水中含有OH - C .向氨水中加入浓氢氧化钠溶液,加热产生使湿润的红色石蕊试纸变蓝的气体,说明氨水中含有NH 4 + D .浓氨水和浓盐酸靠近产生大量白烟,说明氨气与氯化氢容易反应。
【单选题】Mobility of individual members and family groups tends to split up family relationships. Occasionally the movement of a family away from a situation which has been the source of friction results in gr...
potential disorganization is present in the American family
social development results iii a decline in the importance of traditional families
the movement of a family is one of the factors in raising its social status
family disorganization is more or less the result of mobility
【单选题】Mobility of individual members and family groups tends to split up family relationships. Occasionally the movement of a family away from a situation which has been the source of conflict results in gr...
potential disorganization is present in the American family
family disorganization is more or less the result of mobility
the movement of a family is one of the factors in raising its social status
social development results in a decline in the importance of traditional families