【判断题】According to the present traffic law in China, the driver still bears the responsibility for the accident even if it occurs due to the pedestrian’s violation of the traffic law.
【单选题】我们将在东区停留半小时,供大家游览、留影。We will spend ______ in the eastern part of the garden. You are free to stroll around and take some photos.
【单选题】商业银行的分立、合并,适用( )的规定。
【简答题】有机物A的结构简式是 它可以通过不同的反应得到下列物质: 回答: (1)A中含氧官能团的名称:______. (2)写出由A制取B的化学方程式:______. (3)写出A制取C的有机反应类型:C:______;A与______反应生成D. (4)1molC在一定条件下与Br 2 水溶液、H 2 反应,消耗两种物质最多依次为______、______mol. (5)芳香族化合物F是A的同分异构体,...