【单选题】能准确地反映中药泥土砂石等杂质的掺杂含量的检查项目是( )
【单选题】能准确地反映中药 泥土砂石等杂质的掺杂含量的检查项目是
【单选题】He has written some very good poems, but he is ________ known for his short stories
【多选题】《单元工程评定标准》中未涉及的单元工程可依据( )或质量考核要求划分的层、块、段进行划分。
【简答题】A.Because he is interested in the subject. B.Because he has already written a paper on it. C.Because he doesn't know anything about it. D.Because it is very abstract.
【单选题】After he has written his paper, he found some additional material______he should have included.