【单选题】下列各种化合物中,都属于蛋白质的一组是 [ ]
【单选题】一家研究机构从IT从业者中随机抽取500人作为样本进行调查,其中60%回答他们的月收入在 8000元以上。这里的“月收入”是( )。
【单选题】I didn't vote for him. It's not Idislike him. I think mr. Chance is more suitable for the job.
【单选题】一家研究机构从IT从业者中随机抽取500人作为样本进行调查,其中60%的人回答他们的月收入在5000元以上。这里的“月收入”是( )
【判断题】被保货物全部遭受损失,有实际全损和推定全损之分。( )
【单选题】I didn't vote for him. It's not I dislike him. I think Mr. Chance is more suitable for the job.
【单选题】下列物质中,属于高分子化合物的是 ( ) ①蛋白质 ②氨基酸 ③油脂 ④淀粉 ⑤氯乙烯 ⑥纤维素 ⑦聚乙烯
【单选题】I didn't vote for him. It's not I dislike him. I think Mr. Chance is more suitbale for this job.
【单选题】I didn't vote for him. It's not i dislike him. I think Mr. Chance is more suitable for the job.