【单选题】植物扦插繁殖时,需要去除成熟叶片、保留芽和幼叶,这样可以促进插枝成活。其原因是 ①芽和幼叶生长迅速,容易成活 ②芽和幼叶储存有较多营养物质 ③芽和幼叶能产生生长素,促进生根 ④去除成熟叶片可降低蒸腾作用 [ ]
【单选题】In the simplest terms, a market is the place where seller meets buyer to exchange products for money. Traditional markets still function in ninny parts of the world. Even in the United Sates, during s...
most of the products exchanged at traditional markets are consumer goods
most of the products bought and sold at traditional markets are industrial goods
most farmers lived far away form. marketplaces and never sold their products directly
most service industries have not yet developed mature markets for their products