【单选题】以下关于健康保险理赔作用的叙述 ,不正确的是( )。
【单选题】唐代诗人刘禹锡在游览金陵时想到昔日东晋秦淮河上朱雀桥河南岸的乌衣巷门庭若市的繁华鼎盛,而今野草重生,荒凉残照,为了怀古写下的七言绝句《乌衣巷》,其中后两句“旧时王谢堂前燕,飞入寻常百姓家”体现的哲学道理是:( )
【单选题】Population experts say that by 2050 the world will have about 2 billion people aged over 60,____as today.
【单选题】中国历史上有许多以少胜多的战役,下列说法正确的是( )。 时间 地点 意义 ①巨鹿之战 秦末 巨鹿(今河北平乡) 确立项羽在各路义军中的领导地位,秦朝名存实亡 ②官渡之战 东汉末年 官渡(今河南中牟东北) 奠定了曹操统一中国北方的基础 ③淝水之战 东晋 淝水(今安徽寿县东南) 前秦衰败灭亡,南北对峙局面延续 ④赤壁之战 东汉末年 赤壁(今湖北赤壁西北) 奠定三国鼎立基础
【单选题】Why Money Doesn't Buy Happiness What do the experts say? All in all, it was probably a mistake to look for the answer to the eternal question--'Does money buy happiness?'--from people who practice wha...
More money buys more happiness.
More Money buys less happiness.
Money is not a factor of happiness.
Money only brings greater satisfaction.
【单选题】Some experts say that the ___ market may develop to replace for ward contracts over the next few years.