【简答题】病历摘要:男性,55岁,主诉口渴,多饮3月,体态微胖,要排除糖尿病来诊。接诊时,病史询问应该注意哪些问题:A、有无多食、消瘦 B、体重最高记录为多少?距发病前多少时日? C、发病后体重有无下降?具体数字 D、发病前有无劳累、发热、感染、多食甜食或大量饮料等病史 E、就诊前在外做过哪些检查及结果 F、有无糖尿病家族史 G、有无皮肤易患疖肿 H、有无手术史,如有伤口愈合情况如何? 体检应注意哪些问题:...
【单选题】According to the World Bank, we can learn that______.
the state should provide the majority of pensions
the state should provide more protection against old-age poverty
the role that the state plays in pensions is small
private funding should provide the majority of pensions
【简答题】News one: As the pace of life in big cities is getting faster, people are looking for more ways to relax. Let’s take a look at one way people are reducing stress in Beijing. The is “Room Escape”....
【多选题】改革开放以来,各个地区、各行各业、各类人群都涌现出一大批具有先进事迹和高尚品格的道德模范,有( )等。
【单选题】On his way home, he found a wallet ___ on the ground, which he picked up and ____ in his schoolbag.