【单选题】The family was put into a hard situation when the parents were both laid _____.
【判断题】When the family were forced into the television room upstairs, Pop Koshak dragged a double mattress from a bedroom to make a lean-to against the wind.
【多选题】The results when the family life was occupied by TV:
Weekends were the worst because everyone didn’t do anything but watching TV.
We began to try new hobbies, cleaning our rooms, going visiting.
Television causes a passive and one-way communication and it is not good for children’s mind to develop.
No one would eat at the table. All meals—even Christmas dinner—were taken on the knee.
The children refused to take a bath, do their homework or go to bed.
The worst thing about television was that nobody had time to talk to each other.
TV made us not care and communicate with each other.
【简答题】When the monster found out that the family were very poor, what did he do?
【判断题】When the villagers saw the family were still alive, they said "Happy New Year " to them.
【简答题】**产品包装设计定位分析报告(第一周作业) 要求: PPT完成,15页左右(资料中有示范汇报ppt文件) 产品自选(尽可能的选择一个小点范围的包装,例如宝洁旗下的海飞丝,专选去屑系列来分析),图片和其他的资料自己查找。 汇报内容要求有: Who (什么产品)、 Says What (包装设计说了些什么或者说是包装采用了审美样的设计)、 To Whom (销售对象) 、结论(此商品包装的定位如何)。...