【简答题】Directions: Please choose one of the following presentation topics and upload your presentation in video format through this link. You are also expected to upload your script here. In what way has Mat...
【单选题】“汗流浃背”的典故出自西汉周勃,他“汗流浃背”的原因是( )
【单选题】2019年9月3日电,国务院新闻办3日发表( )白皮书。这是中国发表的首部核安全白皮书。白皮书介绍了中国核安全事业发展历程、核安全基本原则和政策、监管理念和实践经验,阐明中国推进全球核安全治理进程的决心和行动。
Please make a piece of video to introduce yourself, and try to introduce yourself from the following 3
parts. Your life: who, where, what; Your study: What, where, and why ; Your hobby: Wh...
【单选题】“汗流浃背”的典故出自西汉周勃,他 “汗流浃背”的原因是:
【简答题】空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。 、 。(王维《山居秋暝》)
【单选题】国务院新闻办公室于何年何月何日发表《新疆的反恐、去极端化斗争与人权保障》白皮书( )
【单选题】国务院新闻办公室于何年何月何日发表《新疆的职业技能培训工作》白皮书。( )
【单选题】国务院新闻办公室于何年何月何日发表《新疆的若干历史问题》白皮书。( )