【简答题】迄今我国发现的最古老的一幅建筑施工图,是战国时期的一块( ) 铜版,它于1977年在河北平山的中山王墓中被发掘出土,其上用不同粗细的金属线画出了标有尺寸和文字说明的陵墓平面图,还使用了1:500的比例及正投影法和阶梯剖。
【多选题】缓解视疲劳保健食品中常见的功效成分有( )
【单选题】听力原文:W: Are you busy this evening? I'm going over to the International Center later on if you'd like to come along. M: I remember receiving their calendar of activities in my campus mailbox a week ago...
A diagram of their facilities.
A timetable of events.
Samples of coffee from other countries.
【简答题】依据大致沿北纬32°线所绘制的中国地形剖面图,回答下列问题. (1)图中属于我国地势第一级阶梯的是______ A.甲 B.乙C.丙 (2)图中A是______高原,B是______盆地,C是______平原. (3)图中自西向东流经了我国三级阶梯的著名大河是______. (4)有关南京气候特征的正确叙述是______ A.气候干燥,冬冷夏热,风向季节变化明显 B.四季常冬,降水较少 C.年降水...
【单选题】听力原文:W: Are you free this evening? I'm going over to the International Center later on if you'd like to come with me. M: I remember receiving their calendar of activities in my campus mailbox a week a...
A diagram of their facilities.
A timetable of events.
Samples of coftee from.other countries.
【单选题】The international agreement, _____ encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit, was signed on February [ ]