【单选题】The careful editor checked the blueprints for fear that she should have ________ something.
【单选题】The careful editor checked the blueprints for fear that she could have _____ something.
【简答题】请大家把课文的summary提交到这里: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
【判断题】主板前沿有 4个针型插座,通常表面标明HDDLED与机箱面板上的硬盘工作灯相连接。
【单选题】For all of us, to be able to talk in an ________ of trust and support is the most important.
【多选题】近30年来,我国居民膳食模式正在悄然发生着变化,居民的( )消费量逐年下降,( )和( )摄入量逐年增多,导致能量摄入过剩;