【单选题】在以下各项中,不属于法律要素的是( )。
【单选题】法律事件是医事法律关系产生、变更和消灭的原因之一。以下属于法律事件的现象是( )
【单选题】听力原文:W: How did you go to London last week? By train or by plane? M: Neither. We went there in Tracy's new car. Q: How did the man go to London? (18)
【单选题】董事、高级管理人员有《中华人民共和国公司法》第一百五十条规定的情形的,有限责任公司的股东、股份有限公司连续( )以上单独或者合计持有公司1%以上股份的股东,可以书面请求监事会或者不设监事会的有限责任公司的监事向人民法院提起诉讼。
【判断题】以有限责任公司、 股份有限公司的房地产抵押的,必须经董事会或者股东大会通过。( )
【简答题】My grandmother became a widow in 1970. Shortly after that, we went to the shelter to pick out a dog to keep her . Grandma decided on a little dog with a reddish-brown spot above each eye. these spots,...
【判断题】以有限责任公司、股份有限公司的房地产抵押的,必须经董事会或者股东大会通过。( )
【单选题】With t his ____, we went home.