【判断题】The ARPANET was an experimental network that was converted into an operational one in 1975 after it had proven to be a success.
【单选题】下列关于行政调查的观点,错误的是( )
【单选题】A year after Martin first talked with police in 1975, the suspect was arrested in the state of Washington.
【简答题】25箱蜜蜂一年可以酿1975千克蜂蜜,1975÷25表示( )。
【单选题】涉外统计调查项目审批是依法赋予行政相对人实施涉外调查行为的( )。
【单选题】司法行政机关开展审前社会调查的目的是( )
【单选题】去个性化现象首先由( )等人于1952年研究阐述的。
【单选题】What was the temperature in Beijing on Thursday according to Beijing Meteorological Observatory?