【简答题】《中华人民共和国社会保险法》对失业保障作了具体规定。下列表述正确的是 ( ) 。 A .失业保险金的标准由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府确定 B .失业保险金的标准不得低于城市居民最低生活保障标准 C .失业人员在失业前用人单位和本人已缴纳失业保险费满两年的才可领取失业保险金 D .只要是失业人员而且已按规定缴纳的失业保险费就都可以领取失业保险金
【单选题】In November 1965, New York was blacked out by an electricity failure. The authorities promised that it would not happen again. Pessimists were certain that it would occur again within five years at th...
【单选题】In November 1965, New York was blacked out by an electricity failure. The authorities promised that it would not happen again. Pessimists were certain that it would occur again within five years at th...