【简答题】Put the following sentences into Chinese: You'd better put on your jackets to protect your clothes.
【单选题】在( )授权开发企业负责实施土地开发时,由开发商负责筹措资金,办理规划、项目核准、土地征收等手续并组织实施。
【单选题】4 根据 CD直线的三面投影视图,判断其直线类型。( )
【单选题】You'd better put things back . Otherwise, it will be difficult to find things. [ ]
【单选题】If you rank the books according to the frequency they might be touched, you'd better put ______.
reference books at the most important position
brand-new books at the most important position
dog-eared books at the most important position
all the novels at the most important position
【判断题】我国第三方物流滞后,传统储运的观念、体制及方法对现代物流的发展形成巨大阻力。( )
【单选题】You'd better put your hag when there are too many people on the bus.