Questions are based on the following passage. Mindfulness——paying attention to one's current experience in a non-judgmentalway——might help us to learn more about our own personalities, according to a new articlepublished in the March 2013 issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal ofthe Association for Psychological Science. Recent research has highlighted the fact that we have many blind spots when itcomes to understanding our patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Despite ourintuition that we know ourselves the best, other people have a more accurate view ofsome traits (e.g., intellect) than we do. In some cases, blind spots in self-knowledge canhave negative consequences, such as poor decision-making, poor academic achievement,emotional and interpersonal problems, and lower life satisfaction. In this new article, psychological scientist Erika Carlson of Washington Universityin St. Louis explores one potential strategy for improving self-knowledge: mindfulness. Mindfulness——a technique often recognized for its positive effects on mentalhealth——involves paying attention to your current experience (e.g., thoughts, feelings) andobserving it in a nonjudgmental manner. According to Carlson, these two components of mindfulness, attention and non-judgmental observation, can overcome the major barriers to knowing ourselves. Sheargues that the motivation to see ourselves in a desirable way is one of the main obstaclesto self-knowledge. For instance, people may overestimate their virtuous qualities to wardoff negative feelings or boost self-esteem. However, nonjudgmental observation of one'sthoughts, feelings, and behavior, might reduce emotional reactivity——such as feelings ofinadequacy or low self-esteem——that typically interferes with people seeing the truth aboutthemselves. Lack of information is another barrier to self-knowledge——in some situations, peoplemight not have the information they would need to accurately assess themselves. Forinstance, we have a hard time observing much of our nonverbal behavior, so we may notknow that we're making faces or fidgeting ( 坐立不安 ) during a serious conversation. Mindfulness could also help in this domain, as research has shown that mindfulnesstraining is associated with greater bodily awareness. Drawing from cognitive, clinical, and social psychology, Carlson outlines atheoretical link between mindfulness and self-knowledge that suggests focusing ourattention on our current experiences in a nonjudgmental way could be an effectivetool forgetting to know ourselves better. What effects do blind spots in self-knowledge have on us? 查看材料