【单选题】在全国公映的影片《芳华》,被称为最适合带爸爸妈妈看的电影。导演冯小刚表示,不担心年轻观众看不懂,因为两代人的“芳华”中间是有共同点的,“热血、激情、担当、躁动、纯真,不论任何时代的人,他们的芳华都具有这样的共性。”材料体现了 ( ) 1文化对人的精神世界有着决定性作用 2不同时代的文化具有一定的共性 3不同时代的文化具有不同的特点 4文化对人的影响来自特定的文化环境
【单选题】● Read the article about commercial bank. ● Choose the correct word to fill each gap. ● For each question 29-40, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your Answer Sheet. Commercial Banks Commercial banks pla...
【单选题】The word ( ) means 'a person (or a business like a bank or stock brokerage) who has the power and obligation to act for another (often called the beneficiary) under circumstances which require total t...
【单选题】The word “bank” in para. 19 means ___________.
a place where people or businesses can keep their money
a raised area of ground along a river, canal, or lake
a building where a bank offers its services