【简答题】( ) 1.Whose football is this? A. No, it ’ s not his. ()2.Is it Peter ’ s? B . It ’ s red. () 3.Where is my bag? C. It ’ s hers. () 4.What colour is the sun? ...
【单选题】( )有利于CPU繁忙型的作业,而不利于/0繁忙型的作业。
【单选题】What is the name of the document which can make a buyer feel confident that goods are of a certain standard?______.
Inspection certificate
【简答题】Read the passage and answer the following questions: 1. What is emergency leave? 2. When is a U.S. service member entitled to emergency leave? 3. For how long can a U.S. service member take emergency ...
【单选题】______ 用以说明公文的印发传达范围或使用时需注意的事项。 C A. 尾语 B. 版记 C. 附注 D. 附件 答案: C 解析: 附注是指需要附加说明的事项。如需解释的名词术语,或者是公文发送范围和阅读、传达对象等。公文如有附注,用3号仿宋体字,居左空2字加圆括号标识在成文时间下一行。所以选C。
【简答题】患者女,46岁。因“头晕6个月”就诊。6个月来,患者始终感到头晕、昏沉不清或头重脚轻。坐或卧位时较轻,行走时明显;每日中午起逐渐加重,傍晚时最重,晨起时最轻或无头晕。患者的症状最可能是( )A、眩晕 B、晕厥前 C、失衡 D、黑蒙 E、非特异的头晕 F、晕厥 依据该患者症状,考虑疾患累及的部位是( )A、前庭中枢 B、前庭周围 C、心血管系统 D、神经感觉系统 E、精神 F、脑血管 针对此患者,进...