【多选题】强调性停连在表达中具有( )、( )的作用。
【单选题】体积相同的甲、乙两个容器,相同温度下甲充入1gSO 2 (g) 和1g O 2 (g),乙充入2g SO 2 (g)和2g O 2 (g),反应2SO 2 (g)+O 2 (g) 2SO 3 (g)达平衡后,甲中SO 2 的转化率为m,乙中SO 2 的转化率为n,则 m和n的关系为
【单选题】患者女性, 25 岁,无明显自觉症状,体检时超声发现:左肾上极实质内可见一 1.5x1.5cm 边界清晰,高回声实性肿块,内部及周边未探及明显血流信号,其余肾内结构未见异常。本病可诊断为
【简答题】完型填空(15分) We do shopping (购物)on Sunday. I often go to the supermarket (超市)with my mother 1 Sunday morning 2 car. Father likes fruit very much.We buy some red apples for him. Mother likes yellow banana...
【简答题】完型填空。 At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. Last year we went to an old people's 1 and sang songs and performed a play for 2 . The old people were very 3 . We should be allowe...