【简答题】在我国刑事诉讼理论中,证明要求指的是法律规定的,运用证据证明案件事实所要达到的程度。根据《刑事诉讼法》的规定,下列各项所述的诉讼行为,需要达到“犯罪事实清楚,证据确实充分”的证明要求的有( ) A. 公安机关侦查终结移送审查起诉时 B. 人民检察院经审查,作出批准逮捕决定时 C. 人民检察院提起公诉时 D. 人民法院作出有罪判决时
【单选题】下列命题中,正确的个数是 ①钝角的补角一定是锐角; ②两点之间直线最短; ③不可能事件的概率是1; ④任何三角形中至少有两个内角是锐角; ⑤三角形的一个外角大于三角形任意一个内角. [ ]
【多选题】Complete the outline (in no more than three words). Could you look into the eyes of children and tell them they will have nothing to eat tonight? We can't, either. That's why we have set up the Missis...
【单选题】We have been ______ these articles for many years.
【判断题】She has argued that chimps should be left in the forest.
【单选题】根据刑事诉讼法有关规定,我国刑事诉讼总体的证明标准是( )。
【单选题】Using quotations by S hakespeare or Confucius may ______ to what you want to say.