设执行以下程序段时依次输入11、33、55,执行结果为 Dim a(4) As Integer, b(4) As Integer For K = 0 To 2 a(K + 1) = Val(InputBox(" 请输入数据")) b(3 - K) = a(K + 1) Next K Print b(K)
【单选题】PRK 2.7 Which of the following socio-cultural trends will have a direct impact on most business organisations? (i) Increasing ethnic and religious diversity in populations (ii) Falling birthrates (iii...
【单选题】Which of the following socio-cultural trends will have a direct impact on most business organisations?(i)Increasing ethnic and religious diversity in populations(ii)Falling birthrates(iii)Focus on 'gr...
【单选题】Which of the following organisations would rely most heavily on value for money indicators and efficiency rather than information on performance and profitability?