【判断题】一般可用霍尔传感器测量磁场强度、电流、角位移、功率、转速、开关信号等参数。( )
【单选题】Business partners at social gatherings often prefer to interact with each other at________.
【判断题】(Unit 10 Task 6)(5)The two business partners had a good time at the lunch.
【简答题】At first, it caused me to have as little __10__ with American business partners as possible. Gradually, though, I have come to understand the cultural differences between our two countries. This has r...
【简答题】When you are at a business party, how could you talk to your potential partners?
【单选题】某广播影视公司为增值税一般纳税人,2018年10月提供广告设计服务取得不含税销售额80万元,提供广告发布服务取得不含税销售额250万元。当月接受旅客运输服务,支付不含税价款20万元。已知文化创意服务的增值税税率为6%,则该广播影视公司2018年10月应缴纳增值税( )万元。
【简答题】You are at the point of concluding a transaction with ABC Imports,with the total amount of US$100,000,and ABC Imports, the buyer, insists on payment by collection.Write a letter to one of your busines...
【单选题】某广播影视公司为增值税一般纳税人,2019年10月提供广告设计服务取得不含税销售额80万元,提供广告发布服务取得不含税销售额250万元。当月接受国内旅客运输服务,取得注明旅客身份信息的航空运输电子客票行程单,注明票价和燃油费共计20万元。已知文化创意服务的增值税税率为6%,航空旅客运输进项税额按照9%计算抵扣,则该广播影视公司2019年10月应缴纳增值税( )万元。
【判断题】A cooperative is a business with at least two partners.