【单选题】1924年1月,中国第一次全国代表大会在广州召开,大会通过的宣言对作出了新的解释。新成为第一次国共合作的政治基础,其内容不包括 ( )
【单选题】The shoe shop is at the cornerof the ------.
【简答题】Sarika Gupta is a technology programmer, and she__________(love) what she__________(do). She__________(work) for Datascope, an exciting IT company based in Bangalore, ‘the Silicon Valley of India', an...
【判断题】unit 5 part 7.mp4 "American Dreamz" is a comedy film that satirizes both American politics and popular entertainment. "American Dreamz" in this film is a wildly popular television singing contest. In ...
【简答题】Suppose you phoned your friend Mary several times yesterday but she didn t answer your call at all. Write her an email to 1) find out what happened, and 2) ask if she need your help. You should write ...
【单选题】从1978年党的十一届三中全会到今天,改革开放即将走到第四十个年头,从计划经济到市场经济,从中国制造到中国智造,从跟随世界到引领世界,在获得一系列卓越成就的今天,中国依旧在改革开放的道路上继续前行。这主要说明() ①正确的意识对人们改造客观事物起促进作用 ②系统优化的方法要求我们用综合的思维方式来认识事物 ③当生产关系适应生产力发展要求时,就会促进生产力的发展 ④事物变化发展是前进性与曲折性的统一
【单选题】When 27 years of age, Burns first attracted literary attention, and in the same moment sprang to the first place in Scottish letters. In despair over his poverty and personal habits, he resolved to em...
he could not bear the temptation of being famous
he thought that it would bring him a large sum of money
he felt like going to travel for pleasure
he needed money to go to another country