【判断题】Pragmatic competence contains and organizes procedural and declarative knowledge concerning not only communicative but all possible forms of language use
【判断题】针对长期盛行的“文以载道”的传统,王国维借助叔本华与康德的理论,进一步强调 “文学的重要文化价值”。 他主张文学批评应该以正统的道统、文统为标准,批判社会表现人生,弘扬传统文化精髓。因此,对不以道统、文统为圭臬,虽表现社会但游戏人生的小说、戏曲等,王国维则评价不高。
【单选题】设有三个语句: int s=100; int ss[s]; cin>>ss; 则编译认为_____ 。
【判断题】Before attending an interview, a job applicant should use the library and internet to know as much information as possible concerning the company.
【多选题】Concerning blood type, and type A mates with a type B. What are the possible types of the offspring?
【简答题】What are the possible ways for China to realize the goal concerning internet in the near future?
【单选题】Concerning international lending risk of commercial banks, ____ is associated with possible changes in the exchange value of a nation's currency.