【单选题】speeches arranged in causal order organize main points so as to show a ______ relationship.
【单选题】患者女性,20岁。高热昏迷,呼吸困难,咳嗽咯血3周,OT试验:1∶1000(-);ESR 50mm/h;X线两肺均匀分布等大、密度均匀的小点状阴影。最可能的诊断是
【判断题】in a speech arranged in causal order, the speaker must deal first with the causes and then with the effects.
【单选题】A “_______” essay is causal chains that connect from the reason to the consequence by means of careful language, and chronological or forceful order.
comparison and contrast cause and effect
【单选题】患儿,8岁,因“突起高热3天,昏迷、抽搐1天”于当年8月3日入院。查体:T 39.8℃,P 120次/分,双侧瞳孔不等大,对光反射迟钝,颈强直(+)。下列做法中,错误的是
【判断题】A sequential order of events is "the plot”.. A causal arrangement is“the story”
【判断题】Informative speeches about concepts are usually arranged in causal order.
【单选题】某患者,输血过程出现头胀、四肢麻木、 腰 背部剧痛、呼吸急促、血压下降、 黄疸 等症状 护士可给患者应用热水袋,放置于
【单选题】患者女性,20岁,高热昏迷,呼吸困难,咳嗽咯血3周,OT试验:1:1000(一), ESR50mm/h,x线两肺均匀分布等大、密度均匀的小点状阴影,最可能的诊断是