【单选题】Among the freshmen at UCLA ______ thought themselves as Jewish.
93% of those whose parents were both Jewish
62% of those only whose father were Jewish
15% of those only whose mother were Jewish
【单选题】1935年10月,( )在法国巴黎发表了《为抗日救国告全国同胞书》呼吁全国人民起来捐弃前嫌,共同抗日。
【单选题】There is much bitter feeling among those who, deprived of their social security benefits, queued at an eating hall and registered for jobs available.
【多选题】下列各项中,属于所有者权益变动表中单独列示的项目有( )。
【单选题】叶缘通常具有缺刻,那么齿两边不等、通常沿边缘线向一侧倾斜的缺刻类型属于( )。
【单选题】某公司的境外子公司的记账本位币为美元。本期期末汇率为1美元=6.60元人民币,当期平均汇率为1美元=6.70元人民币。子公司资产负债表中“盈余公积”项目年初余额为200万美元,折合人民币1 450万元,本期所有者权益变动表“提取盈余公积”项目金额为160万美元,则子公司资产负债表中“盈余公积”项目的期末余额经折算后的金额为万元人民币。
【单选题】Among those tanning customers, it is estimated that most of them are ______.
【单选题】Many political leaders attended the conference and among those present ____ the foreign minister and his wife.