【单选题】In a listening class, the teacher asks students to role-play the dialogue according to the listening material. Which stage does this activity belong to? ( )
【单选题】Natural foods also ________ vegetables not nourished by chemical fertilizers.
【单选题】Natural foods also ________ vegetables not nourished by chemical fertilizers.
【单选题】2019年10月1日,国家互联网办公室发布的《儿童个人信息网络保护规定》正式实施。这是中国第一部专门针对儿童个人信息保护的规范性文件。《规定》所称儿童,是指不满十四周岁的未成年人。国家互联网信息办公室发布的《规定》 1体现了对未成年人的学校保护 2有利于保护未成年人的个人信息安全 3体现了对未成年人的社会保护 4说明了保障未成年人的合法权益只是国家的责任
【单选题】Natural foods also ________ vegetables not nourished by chemical fertilizers.
【单选题】A. With a listening typewriter, what an author says would be automatically recognized and displayed in front of him or her. However, speech recognition is not yet advanced enough to provide people wit...