【单选题】What plans are the speakers discussing?
A practice presentation
【单选题】A few of the local residents ______ uncertain about the multinational company's plans to build a chemical factory in Lownes.
【单选题】The company plans to_______and reorganize many of its stores to eliminate overlap in jobs and office functions.
【简答题】课本课后习题7-1:1-10 课本课后习题7-2:1-11 以上习题不用抄题,但需要注明题号,作业日期,写在作业本上拍照上传。
【简答题】农历五月初五端午节( Dragon Boat Festival )是中国古老的传统节日,至今已有 2000 多年的历史。赛龙舟( dragon boat racing )是端午节必不可少的( indispensable )一部分,每年在全国各地举行。枪声一响,大家可以看见龙舟中的水手们努力划桨( oar ),和谐而迅速,伴随着急速的鼓声,加速朝目的地划去。根据民间故事( folk tale )传说...
【简答题】Your company plans to set up a distribution network in the count to promote sales of products.You have been asked to submit ideas on how to set up such a network. Discuss,and decide together: &8226;Wh...
【单选题】The speaker decided to ______ talk about the company's history before explaining his plans for its future.
【单选题】We can visit your company on Monday or Tuesday; our plans are fairly ______.
【简答题】请大家上传自己公司三张经过处理的产品图片: 1.一张800*800像素的正方形裁剪图; 2.一张经过移动处理的含有公司LOGO的产品图; 3.一张使用套索工具抠图的杯子图像。