【单选题】The train ________ arrive at 1:30, but it was an hour late. [ ]
【简答题】腾讯与360的商业战 2010 年11月3日,腾讯公司发布致广大QQ用户的一封信,表示在360公司停止对QQ进行外挂侵犯和恶意诋毁之前,将在装有360软件的电脑上停止运行QQ软件。腾讯与360的大战浮出水面。 腾讯与360大战,起因于2010年前后腾讯在部分用户中强推QQ医生安全软件。很短时间,QQ医生占据国内一亿台左右的电脑,市场份额近40%。随后,QQ医生升级为电脑管家,在查杀木马、系统漏洞修...
【单选题】The story was about the passengers' experience on the train from St. Albans to Farringdon _______ Wednesday 9th December 2009.
【单选题】The train was about to leave and I was not even on the _______ .
【单选题】He said the train ________ at six the next morning. [ ]
【判断题】The train was late and Mike was angry about that.