英语(基础模块)第一册(修订版)期末试题 I. 词汇与语法 ( ) 1. They don ’ t have a lot of time ________ with me. A. talk B. to talk C. talking ( ) 2. ______ important to make some friends. A. This is B. That is C. It is ( ) 3. She ________ late for school. A. is never B. never is C. has never ( ) 4. Exercise helps them to grow ______ and ________. A. taller; more strong B. tall; stronger C. taller; stronger ( ) 5. What _____ Susan ________ at this moment? A. is, doing B. is, do C. does, do ( ) 6. _________ out alone when it is late at night. A. Not go B. You don ’ t go C. Don ’ t go ( ) 7. The post office is ______ Great Avenue. A. at B. on C. in ( ) 8. What kinds of TV programs do you like _______? A. well B. better C. best ( ) 9. What ______ he ________ this weekend? A. is; going to do B. does; do C. does; wants to ( ) 1 0. They can buy ______ and _______. A. foods; clothing s B. food; clothing C. foods; clothing ( ) 1 1. I can buy _______ and _______. A. a T-shirt; school bag B. a T-shirt; a school bag C. T-shirt; school bag ( ) 1 2. _____ you enjoy listening to classic music, you can go to that concert. A. If B. Once C. When ( ) 1 3. The Grand Hotel _______ in 1982. A. is built B. built C. was built ( ) 1 4. The file _________ to the headquarters soon. A. is sent B. will be sent C. is being sent ( ) 1 5. Where can he find anything ________? A. he need B. he needs C. that he need ( ) 1 6. Gloria is the girl ____ is eating an apple now. A. who B. / C. whom ( ) 1 7. The Spring Festival is on _______ day of the Chinese lunar year. A. first B. a first C. the first ( ) 1 8. The office is ________ third floor. A. at the B. in a C. on the ( ) 1 9. That man is ______ important person of this company. A. a B. an C. / ( ) 2 0. Before ______ festival, people usually buy some meat and rice. A. / B. a C. the III . 阅读理解 A My sister and I looked forward to new clothes for the New Year. But one day my mother said, “Listen, children. We don’t have enough money now. So only one of you can get new clothes.” The silence lasted for a few minutes. My tears were coming out. “OK, I have an idea,” my sister said. “I’ll write ‘new clothes’ on a piece of paper and ‘nothing’ on another. We cast lots ( 抽签 ) to decide.’ I agreed. While she was writing at the table, I found her clothes were old and she had grown too big for the clothes. I looked at my own. They were old, but still the right size for me. “Pick one,” my sister said. I picked one and opened it. Two words ran into my eyes: NEW CLOTHES. I forgot my sad feelings and jumped up. A few days later, I ran into the sitting room in my new clothes where my mother and my sister were reading. My sister gave me a smile and went on reading. My mother called me to her side and showed me two pieces of paper. On each of them was written: NEW CLOTHES. 21. Why could only one of the two sisters get new clothes? A . The family was short of money. B . The writer’s sister already had new clothes. C . The writer’s sister did not want new clothes. 22. Who need new clothes most? A . The writer. B . The mother. C . The writer’s sister. 23. Why did the writer’s sister suggest casting lots? A . She wanted to have new clothes herself. B . She wanted her sister to have new clothes. C . She wanted her mother to have new clothes. 24. The writer did not learn the truth until ________ A . her sister told her about it. B . her mother told her about it. C . her sister told her mother about it. 25. What do we know from the passage? A . The writer’s sister is kind and clever. B . The mother is angry with the writer. C . The writer is always thinking of her mother. B The Maryland Science Center is more than fun. You can enjoy the three floors of exciting things, watch the larger-than-life play on the 4th floor, and travel to other worlds, to far away stars, on the 5th floor. Don’t just look. You are expected to feel, to turn, to push. Build your own house and learn why it stands or falls. Use computers to work out plans just as famous scientists have done. There is always something new to learn at the Maryland Science Center. Children and group visitors enjoy half price. The excitement of the Maryland Science Center does not end when you leave. Visit the Science Store for a gift you’d like to keep. Electronic jewelry, games, books and more —— take part of the Science Center home with you. Information Where to call: 24-hour general information : (410) 685-5225. 24-hour STARLINE night sky information : (410) 539 —— STAR . Group visitor information : (410) 685—2370 . Hours: The Maryland Science Center is open 7 days a week (except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day) Monday — Friday 10 a.m. — 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. — 8 p.m. 2 6 . What can visitors do at the Maryland Science Center? A . Learn science by trying it out. B . Watch and take part in a play. C . Make gifts for their friends. 2 7 . The Maryland Science Center stays open_______: A. every day from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. B . almost all the weekdays and weekends C . on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. 2 8 . By calling (410) 685—2370 we can get information about _______: A . the night sky show B . books and games C . group price tickets 2 9 . “Take part of the Science Center home with you” means that _________ A . visitors can buy something there and take it home B . the Science Center may be sold to visitors C . the visitors can make the Science Center their home 3 0. Which is TRUE about the Maryland Science Center? A . Visitors can play and learn at the same time . B . It helps visitors travel to other countries. C . It can be visited 24 hours a day. C Is staring at a big, white wall during class making you feel dull? If you have ever walked past math s teacher Mr. Kelly’s room, you may have noticed how cheerful it is throughout the year. One thing that makes his classroom so much fun is the celebrity pictures on his front wall. Kelley’s students have been writing to celebrities from across the nation asking for a photo and a few words of advice. “It really takes a lot of time and money,” Kelley said. First, Kelley and his students make a list of all the celebrities to whom they want to write. Once a student picks a star, Kelley looks them up in his book of addresses to see if he can write to that person. Writing to the stars takes a lot of time because he has to personalize each letter , print them out, and address them. In the letter, Kelly asks the celebrity to send his classes a picture with some advice he or she would give to today’s youth. Kelly takes up a collection in all of his classes and asks each student to contribute ( 捐 ) a dollar to pay for the postage. Once Kelley mails off the letters, the fun really begins. So far he has gotten back about 20 letters and pictures. “The only thing that isn’t cool is when the celebrity sends the picture back with no advice on it, which is my entire purpose in doing this . ” said Kelley. When he gets at least three pictures returned, he lets his classes guess who the three stars are. He keeps score of how many celebrities each class has guessed. Jason Bryant, a student, said, “It’s become a contest ( 竞赛 ) between the classes to see who can guess the most stars, and it’s really fun.” 3 1 . What makes Mr. Kelly’s classroom cheerful? A . Celebrities sending photos to Kelly. B . Celebrities giving advice to students. C . The celebrities’ pictures on his front wall D . Kelley inviting celebrities to his classes. 3 2. The phrase “to personalize each letter” (line1, para.3) means “_________” A . to print out each letter. B . to personally send out each letter. C . to find the address of each celebrity. D . to make the letter suitable for a particular star. 3 3. Who pays to send out the letters? A . Kelley himself. B . Kelley’s students. C . The contest organizer. D . Jason Bryant. 3 4. What is Kelley’s main purpose of writing the letters? A . To educate his students. B . To have pictures for his office wall. C . To improve his students’ letter writing skills. D . To help his students know more about the celebrities. 3 5. According to Jason Bryant, they find a lot of fun in _______ . A . studying math B . reading replies C . the name-guessing game D . receiving pictures from celebrities I V. 情景对话 A. 用所给的句子完成对话 。 A: Good evening . 3 6 B: I would like to sit by the window. A: 3 7 B: Yes. I ’ d like to start with mushroom soup. A: 38 B: Roast chicken and a green salad, please. A: 39 B: A cup of black coffee. A: What else would you like to order? B: 40 A. I would like a cake, thank you. B. Can I take you order now? C. Where would you like to sit, Sir? D. What would you like for the main course? E. Would you like anything to drink?
【单选题】一悬臂梁及其所在坐标系如图所示,其自由端的( )。【图片】
【单选题】政策性银行与商业银行最显著的不同特征在于( )。
【单选题】药品质量管理规范简称( )
【简答题】凝集素是多糖类物质,能够特异性地结合不同的糖类物质,介导多种生物反应。(    )