【简答题】找出下列句子中的主干结构并翻译全句。 He says that he is not looking for anything in return and that the woman who uses the extra ticket can choose to either travel with him or take the ticket and travel on her own
【简答题】找出下列句子中的主干结构并翻译全句。 Whereas a woman’s closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage, it wasn’t unusual to hear a man say he didn’t know his friend’s marriage was in s...
【简答题】找出下列句子中的主干结构。 He says an owner would need to pass a test and complete 20 hours of flying time to be able to fly the plane, a requirement pilots would find relatively easy to meet
【简答题】找出下列句子中的主干结构并翻译全句。 Research shows that giving up driving is one of the key reasons for a fall in health and well-being among older people, leading to them becoming more isolated (隔绝) and inactive.
【单选题】在实行累积投票制的情况下,假如某位股东持有 100 股股票,本次股东大会拟选出董事 12 人,那么这位股东总共有 ______ 票可用来选举他认为合适的一位或数位董事人选。
【简答题】找出下列句子中的主干结构。 If someone knocks and it’s not an important matter, excuse yourself and let the person know you’re busy so they can get the hint (暗示)that when the door is closed, you’re not to be distur...