【单选题】2013年4月15日,国际黄金价格一天下跌20%,大量中国民众开始冲进最近的店铺抢购黄金制品。接下来的“五一”小长假上演了“满城尽带黄金甲”大片,以大妈大婶们为主流的中国主妇狂买黄金,导致许多城市的商场黄金专柜一扫而空,他们被称作是抄底黄金市场的“中国大妈”。“最近你买黄金了吗”这成为中国百姓2013年“五一”节里的新问候语。相等重量的黄金和生铁,黄金的价值大于生铁,从根本上说是因为( )。
【简答题】Which expressions can be used to clarify something a person said?A. I gather your point is... B. In other words, C. Both A and B.
【简答题】Continual: The word describes separate actions which are repeated over a period of time. Continuous: The word indicated that an action carries on without stopping or interruption. 2. Principal: The wo...
【单选题】Citrix Desktop Delivery Controller需要安装在哪个操作系统之上:( )
【单选题】A sleeping person and a fainted one are similar in that both can be waken by strong stimulus.
【单选题】A _____ is everything, both favorable and unfavorable, that a person receives in an exchange. It can be tangible, intangible, a service, an idea, or a combination of these things.