【单选题】女性,59岁。慢性咳喘20年。近5年来动则气急,并常有尿少、下肢浮肿。3天前感冒自服感冒通后热退,但气急、咳嗽加重,昨夜因失眠服地西泮(安定)后入睡,今晨家人见其呼之不应,送来急诊。体检见神志恍惚,呼吸浅速,频率28次/min,紫绀明显。两肺散在干湿啰音。呼吸空气条件下动脉血气分析示pH7.29,PaCO 2 10.5kPa(80mmHg),PaO 2 6.1kPa(46mmHg)。该患者应用以上...
【单选题】I can only share this bedroom _____ other 3 students.
【单选题】下列函数中,( )不是基本初等函数.
y =lg(1- x ) 此函数不是基本初等函数.
【单选题】下图反映的是哪个言语呼吸功能的指标( )
【单选题】Hurricane(飓风)Katrina A hurricane is a fiercely powerful, rotating(旋转的)form. of tropical storm that can be 124 to 1,240 miles in diameter. The term hurricane is derived from Hurican, the name of a nati...
【单选题】下图反映的是哪个言语呼吸功能的指标( )
【单选题】听力原文:M: What is my share of the bill? 18.50? That can't be right! I only had a salad for dinner. W: Hold on. Let me check them out first. Q: What will the woman probably do next? (16)
Lend the man some money.
Calculate the bill again.
Refuse to pay the bill.
Invite the man to dinner.