【简答题】The following sentence contain two new rhetorical devices called “synecdoche” and “metonymy". Identify them and fill in the blank. Political scientists differ in their view about the source of power. ...
【单选题】Identify the figure of speech used in the following sentence. Political scientists differ in their view about the source of power. Some believe that politiacal power comes from the barrel of a gun, wh...
【多选题】下面关于硝酸异山梨酯的描述,哪几点是正确的( )
化学名为 1,4:3,6-二脱水-D- 山梨醇二硝酸酯
【简答题】The following sentence contains one of the rhetorical devices called “synecdoche” or “metonymy”. Identify them and fill in the blank. Political scientists differ in their view about the source of powe...
【单选题】男性,70岁,2年来感活动后心前区疼痛,并逐渐加重,有时伴头晕、眼黑,自含"硝酸甘油"效果不佳。既往无高血压、糖尿病、高血脂等病史。查体:BP100/60mmHg,P58次/分,双肺(-),心界不大,心尖部S1正常,可闻S4,胸骨右缘第2肋间可闻3/6级收缩期喷射性杂音,向右颈部放射。心电图示左前胸导联V 4 ~V 6 ST段下降,T波倒置。对该患者进一步检查措施中,下列哪项应属禁忌()
【单选题】( )是指消费者在购买一定数量的商品时,所愿意支付的最高货币额与他实际支付货币额之间的差额。
【判断题】投资回收期既考虑了资金的时间价值,又考虑了回收期后现金流量状况。( )
【单选题】泥浆在泥浆护壁灌注桩施工中起主要作用的是( )。