【单选题】Which of the following items does the statement below describe? "A possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of on...
【简答题】填一填 1、 根据乘除法各部分的关系,写另外两个算式 125 × 8=100 1200 ÷ 48=25 2、 在一个没有余数的除法算式中,被除数是 384 ,商是 24 ,除数是( ) 3、 两个数的积是 700 ,其中一个因数是 35 ,另一个因数是( ) 4、 在一个有余数的除法算式中,被除数- 5= 除数×商,余数是() 二、 算一算 一个工人 5 天加工零件...
【判断题】男士行走中双脚走两条线,但两线尽可能靠近,地上的横向距离 3 厘米左右,步履可稍大,不要扭腰,不可摇头晃脑,步态要稳健有力,体现稳重、坚定、自信的阳刚之美。
【单选题】At the Winter Hill Career Center, you can ____ your future.
【单选题】Which of the following teaching objectives does not refer to “understanding”? ( )
Understand that the "ea" pattern has several sounds in English.
Understand people from different countries have different ways of greeting and show respect for each other’s custom.
Tell the meaning of the following words: big, small, long, short, strong.
Know “be going to” could be used to describe actions, behaviors and events which are to happen in the future.