【单选题】【成本】某企业生产A、B两种产品的外购动力消耗定额分别为4工时和6.5工时。6月份生产A产品500件,B产品400件,共支付动力费11040元。该企业按定额消耗量比例分配动力费,当月A产品应分配的动力费为( )元。(2013年)
【多选题】著名经济学家熊彼特对资源的定义包括( )
【单选题】True or false. When Hoyle served as the deputy speaker, he waged a long hard battle to keep order during one of the most turbulent periods of recent parliamentary history.
【单选题】【产品成本·单选题】某企业生产A、B两种产品的外购动力消耗定额分别为4工时和6.5工时。6月份生产A产品500件,B产品400件,共支付动力费11040元。该企业按定额消耗量比例分配动力费,当月A产品应分配的动力费为( )元。(2013年)
【单选题】闻捷的《葡萄成熟了》所写的是( )风情。
【判断题】Decide whether thestatementis true or false.When communicating, in most cases we use positive messages to show our thanks, recognition or anger.
【判断题】4Decide whether the statement is true or false.When communicating, in most cases we use positive messages to show our thanks, recognition or anger.(判断2 分)
【单选题】True or false. When synonyms and repetitions are often used just in order to achieve a certain effect on the listeners. The interpreters can use this omission.