【判断题】Because of cultural differences, Waverly has broken up with her American boyfriend Rich.
【单选题】任何单位和( )都有维护消防安全、保护消防设施、预防火灾、报告火警的义务。任何单位和( )都有参加有组织的灭火工作的义务。
【单选题】Because of cultural differences , sales of this brand of canned beer dropped in a certain part of Central Africa, ___ a change in the size of the can containing the beer.
【单选题】Because of cultural difference, foreigners found it hard to interpret the facial expressions of local people.
to translate orally from one language to another
to explain what is not easy to understand
to understand the intended meaning of
【多选题】《消防法》规定,任何单位和个人都有( )的义务。