【单选题】Is Claire with Robert?
【单选题】如果事件A 1 和A 2 不能同时发生,则A 1 和A 2 称为()。
【单选题】2006年10月,党的十六届六中全会通过的《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》强调,社会要和谐,首先要( )。
【简答题】Who was Lady Claire? What happened to her?
【单选题】The old general was________over the old map.
【单选题】Claire is saying something important that you want to hear. Anna keeps interrupting Claire. You politely say:
Shut up, Anna. You talk too much.
Let Claire finish, please.
Please stop interrupting, because no one wants to hear you.
【简答题】Fill in each blank with “hurt”, “mean”, “miss” or “plan” in the word’s proper form. 1. I to join you in the morning exercise this morning, but I overslept. 2. He was badly in a traffic accident. 3. Wh...
【单选题】‘ai’ 在 claire 中如何发音? 清澈 claire
【简答题】Claire und Melanie sind in G öttingen und suchen die Universit ätsbibliothek.