【单选题】变压器本体构造中的安全保护设施有 ( ) 。 A.油枕 B.吸湿器 C.净油器 D.防爆管
【判断题】● The introduction of an argumentative essay must establish an argumentative opinion about the focus. This argumentative opinion is called the thesis of the argument.
【多选题】结构的布置要根据体系特征,荷载分布情况及性质等综合考虑.一般要做到:刚度均匀;力学模型清晰;传力路径直接; 柱间抗侧支撑的分布应均匀,其形心要尽量靠近侧向力(风、震)的作用线, 否则应考虑结构的扭转;结构的抗侧应有多道防线;框架结构的楼层平面次梁的布置,有时可以调整其荷载传递方向以满足不同的要求。
【简答题】1949年 发表了“保密系统的通信理论”一文,这篇文章奠定了密码学的理论基础,推动着密码学从艺术向科学的转变。
【单选题】1949年 发表了“保密系统的通信理论”一文,这篇文章奠定了密码学的理论基础,推动着密码学从艺术向科学的转变。
【简答题】Here is an essay question where you have to give your opinion. Can you find out a proper thesis statement for it? Introduction:A. This essay will yse the most important causes of traffic congestio...
【单选题】Why is the short story entitled The Discus Thrower?
Because t he patient throws a plate every day.
Because t he plate of srambled eggs is just like a discus .
Because t he patient wants to become a discus thrower and he practises evry day .
Because t he patient wants to prove that he is still alive and has vitality.
【单选题】1949 年 发表了“保密系统的通信理论”一文,这篇文章奠定了密码学的理论基础,推动着密码学从艺术向科学的转变。