Listen to Smiling again, fill in the blanks on the paper. S miling is considered by people from most cultures to be essential when (1) . I t suggests (2) and (3) . T he A merican expansion service with a smile is fundamental in business , and in many (4) a round the world, such as buying something in a shop , or checking into a hotel , a smile is essential , because no smile suggests a lack of enthusiasm, possible rudeness and may even affect the successful conclusion of the transaction. S o it's sometimes disconcerting if someone doesn't smile when you expect it. F or example , in R ussia a welcome smile is much (5) , because there's thought that smiling is something to be shared between friends , a nd when someone you don't know smiles at you , i t's considered to be (6) . W hen a R ussian smiles at you, it means and like you , and friendship is not offered until its deserved. T here's even an old expression in R ussia H e who grins , sins and some have even suggested that the C old war in the twentieth century was encouraged by the S oviet distrust of the US s miling politicians , who were considered to be insincere . F or some cultures , s miling has other meanings . F or example, J apanese people might smile when they ‘re (7) and C hinese people might smile when they're (8) . S o it's equally disconcerting for a westerner if someone from A sia smiles when they don't expect it.