【简答题】1937-1949 年间,是“上海时期”流行音乐的发展时期。该时期流行音乐出现了不同的风格倾向,民族风格是其中重要的风格倾向之一。 民族风格主要是继承和发展了中国民间小调和戏曲、曲艺风格,旋律采用民族元素,编曲中融入流行音乐的节奏,或采用爵士乐队进行伴奏,甚至有些作品是直接根据民歌改编而成的。如《天涯歌女》和《四季歌》就是由苏州的民歌曲调发展而来;《拷红》汲取了京韵大鼓等说唱音乐元素;《疯狂世界》...
【单选题】在我国的服装产业的技术操作中,对于立体形态较 规则 的服装使用 从平面构成到立体检验到样板修正再到推板 的模式,如常用的 () 和裤类。
【简答题】International trade is the exchange of( )across international borders or territories.
【简答题】拍拍贷风险控制措施主要有三点 : 一是拍拍贷网站对贷款者进行身份认证,信用审核;二是投资人分散投资;三是贷款者( ) 。
【简答题】The International Monetary Fund is an international financial organization between( ),which was established on Dec.27th,1945.
【多选题】T o be successful in international logistics, it is fundamental to understand the international environment. Which are helpful to understand the international environment in the following:
L earning a foreign language
T aking classes in international economics , international finance, intercultural communication, and international marketing
T raveling frequently, meeting foreign nationals
M aking an effort to understand what is ha ppening in foreign countries.
【简答题】Shipping documents play an important role in international trade, international transport.( )