【单选题】家有家风,校有校训,校训是一所学校办学理念和价值追求的凝练表达,既沉淀着长期形成的校风、教风和学风,又标注着鲜明的时代气质。我国很多大学的校训都不同程度地汲取了中国古代典籍中的精华, 如清华大学校训“自强不息,厚德载物”源于《周易》乾坤二卦,请问,复旦大学校训“博学而笃志,切问而近思”源于哪一部典籍?( )
【单选题】Private cable TV companies could not sustain for long because ______.
they failed to obtain the government support
they annoyed their customers
they had only limited services
they did not have licenses
【单选题】★460.冷菜香味的产生和感知阶段在( )。
【判断题】Companies still cannot gauge the effectiveness of advertising now as they failed to do 100 years ago.
【判断题】Companies still cannot gauge the effectiveness of advertising now as they failed to do 100 years ago.
【判断题】Smartwatch companies all failed to win the female market because women consider it geeky.
【判断题】Companies failed to achieve a balance between taking data as prized commodity and protecting consumers.
【单选题】关于直接 Coom b s试验,说法正确的是
【单选题】Agricultural companies have failed to convince ______ that genetically modified foods are safe, so the market demand was shrinking.