【简答题】Read the poem1 on page 169-170 and fill in the blanks. Poem 1 is about way of life. The speaker is speaking to 1 (old men/young men) that life is by nature 2 and 3 , and we'd better enjoy our lives. T...
【单选题】下列实验操作中,错误的是( ) (1)用托盘天平称取5.2g NaCl(2)用50mL量筒量取5.2mL盐酸(3)用蒸发皿加热硫酸钠溶液制取Na 2 SO 4 晶体(4)用100mL容量瓶配制50mL 0.1mol/L H 2 SO 4 溶液(5)用带玻璃塞的试剂瓶存放NaOH溶液(6)用蒸发皿加热氯化钠溶液时,至溶液中析出较多固体时停止加热.