【简答题】If you ’ re ready to take your next step in life, we can offer help to make the most of your money. Y ou can have an informal meeting with your account manager ( 客户经理 ). T he account manager will help...
【简答题】现在看看鲍莫尔—托宾模型关于你应该去银行提取现金的频率有什么建议。 a.你每一年中用多少通货(相对于支票和信用卡)购买东西?这是你的Y值。 b.你去一次银行用多长时间?你每小时的工资是多少?用这两个数字计算你的F值。 c.你在银行账户上的存款赚取的利率为多少?这是你的i值。(一定要用小数形式写出i——即6%应该表示为0.06。) d.根据鲍莫尔—托宾模型,你每年应该到银行多少次,每次应提款多少? ...
【多选题】Read the following credit using habits, and t ick the ones that lead you to de bt d isaster.
Double check the due date each month when y our billing statement arrives.
Keep a slew of credit cards in your wallet.
Sign up to have alerts sent to your computer or mobile device to remind you when your payment is due .
R ely on your credit card to withdraw cash w hen you our checking account has run dry.
Work with your credit card company to keep your credit limit at a level that you can reasonably repay .
Check all billing statements each month for accuracy.
Pay your balance in full each month to minimize interest charges.
【简答题】Intel 8251A可编程通信接口芯片可用于异步或同步的串行通信,它由接收器、发送器、调制解调器、读写控制和I/O缓冲器等组成。其中,接收器用于接收RxD引脚上的串行数据,并按规定的格式把它们转换为并行数据存放在数据缓冲器中。发送器用于接收来自【 】的并行数据,将它转换为规定的格式后从TxD引脚上发送出去。