【多选题】关于掠夺性定价的表述正确的是( ) The correct description about the predatory( 掠夺性 ) pricing is ( )
它是旅游企业将其生产的旅游服务以低于成本向旅游者收取费用的行为 It is the behavior that travel enterprises sell the products to tourists with a price below its production cost.
其目的是驱逐与其对抗的市场在位者和阻止市场进入者,达到市场垄断 The aim is to get rid of rival( 对抗的 ) market incumbents and pr market entrants and achieve market monopoly.
在市场需求不充分环境下,它是一处有效的企业市场行为 Under the condition of insufficient market demand, it is an effective market behavior of tourism enterprises.
它实际上是一种低价倾销,往往会受到政府管制力量的限制 It is actually a low price dumping( 倾销 ), often limited by the government control forces.