【单选题】所谓三总线结构的计算机是指( )
I/O 总线、主存总线和 DMA 总线三组传输线
【判断题】The prose writers of the Romantic Age did not follow the old rules and models ofclassicism but developed a kind of familiar essay.
【简答题】In the 8th century, Anglo-Saxon prose apapeared. The famous prose writers of that period were Venerable Ede and ________.
【简答题】In the 8th century, Anglo-Saxon prose appeared. The famous prose writers of that period were Venerable Bede and______.
【简答题】看新闻,填空。 辽宁铁岭特殊钢厂发生事故 造成32人死亡2人轻伤 2007-04-18 14:03:00 来源: 中国新闻网(北京) 网友评论 748 条 中新网沈阳4月18日电记者今日从辽宁“踩喽焦芾砭只裣ぃ赡铁岭市清河特殊钢有限公司发生钢水包整体脱落事故,共造成32人死亡,2人轻伤。 该事故发生在4月18日7时45分左右,装有30吨钢水的钢包在吊运下落至就位处2-3米时,突然滑落,钢水撒出,冲...